Finding Your Way Through Feelings of Defeat

I found myself feeling completely defeated day in and day out over a situation I gave God a big fat "yes" to take on. I was determined from the beginning to make it work. I would get up each day, put my fresh foot forward. I'd fake the smile and push the positive attitude as… Continue reading Finding Your Way Through Feelings of Defeat

They’re ALL Hiding Something

My master bathroom is super small. Of all the things I could change about my house, that would be the first thing. However, right now, it's not in the budget. So, when Travis is getting ready as he was this particular Sunday morning, I resorted to another room to blow dry my hair. We have… Continue reading They’re ALL Hiding Something

Stop It with the Pity Party

Life can suck. Yep, I said it. It can throw you curve balls, fast balls, and even hit you if the face at times. I am in a place in my life currently that I truly never thought I would be. I know it's all God's plan. I do not doubt His plan. However, it's… Continue reading Stop It with the Pity Party