The Women Who Made Me The Mom I Am Today

I wanted to write a post about Mother’s Day. So, one evening I kept thinking on what to write about. I was forcing it. I never want to force anything I write. I pray about everything I post and I only want to publish what I feel is from God. That night, my mind was racing about six women whom I’ve known my whole life. I even woke up earlier than my alarm the next morning with exactly what God wanted me to write about and who He wanted me to pay tribute to.

There are more woman (not listed) who influenced my life but the following women have instilled characteristics in me that make me the mom I am today.


You have always been like a second mom to me. You taught me that even though you don’t share the same DNA with someone, you can love them the same. I know that your love for you own children far exceeds your love for me. Nevertheless, my whole life, you treated me no differently than your own. Every major life event I had, there you were. I always knew (and I still know) that if I needed ANYTHING, you are just a phone call away.

Aunt Lil

To say I miss you is a total understatement. I have had so many life struggles since you’ve been gone. I’ve yearned at times for your words of wisdom. I could write a novel on all the things you taught me but the one I use the most and teach my daughter is this……

You traveled the world. You had seen a lot of diversity in your life and learned many cultures. So you were well diversed in the universal rule of “being trashy.” Having class was your strong suit. You taught me how to dress with taste and how looking trashy was always out of style. I will forever evaluate what I wear and think, “Would Aunt Lil approve?” You are the reason that I removed my belly button ring when I began to have the slightest baby bump. I could hear you plain as day say, “Being pregnant with a belly ring is trashy.” Yes, Aunt Lil it is.

Aunt Portia

You taught me that it’s okay to discipline your kids with an iron fist. Allowing them to reap what they sow can be a hard lesson but a needed one. My mom was always the passive disciplinarian but when I was with you, I knew I walked the line. I appreciate that now.

I also learned from you that even though parenting should be a two way street. Two parents, both involved and proactive, doesn’t always happen in life. Your determination to drag your kids to church whether they wanted to or not, all by yourself, showed me a grit that I admire. Being married now, I see what a struggle that must have been on you. Yet, you did it with grace, positivity, and a smile on your face.

Mamaw Mert

You were an independent, career driven woman way before it was the cool thing to do. You showed me that it’s possible to be a great mom and a great financial contributor to your family. You got up every day, put in eight hours, not because you had to but because you wanted better for your family. You wanted to work so that you could give us (grandchildren included) all the things you didn’t have growing up. The memories I have because of your hard work, swimming in your pool and vacationing with you, are memories that I will forever keep.

Mamaw Adonna Faye

You are the picture of selfless sacrifice. You never earned a penny your whole life but sacrificed everything for your family. You were a free babysitting service, five days a week to five grandchildren. You never missed anything that we did. You never showed any favoritism (still don’t). You have a unique way of making each of us feel as though we are each your favorite. What I learned from you is that, you don’t have to have much to forever change the life of a child. Being there, listening, and giving them your TIME is the greatest gift you could ever give.


I am who I am because of your love for me. If there was ever a picture perfect mom when I was growing up, it was you. To list the things I have learned from you would be an unforeseen task to fulfill. It’s a never ending well of goodness that you gave me. What I feel impacts me most about you, in this season of life I am in, is your strength to overcome. Not your physical strength but the strength of Christ in you.

Dark valleys allow us to find our strength in the Lord. You went down a long dark road. One in which I never thought would end. I gave up hope for you at one point. My only hope was for God to pull you out, but I even doubted Him. I was angry. I was bitter. What I didn’t fully understand was that you were broken.

I had to go through a season of brokenness myself to see just how broken you were for many years. Because of the darkness you went through and seeing glimpses into that valley you were in, gave me hope in the middle of my brokenness. My time in the valley was much shorter than your time and I owe that to you. Seeing what you went through gave me a hope.

Some of the strongest people are the people you don’t suspect. They aren’t large is stature. They aren’t cold hearted or intimidating. They are the ones who have been in the deepest, darkest valley. The ones who their own children gave up on but come out of the valley not jaded, not bitter, but just as loving as they were before.

You are the true depiction of strength and proof of Christ’s love for his children. Our God makes beauty from ashes and you my dear mom are beautiful, inside and out. I am blessed to call you my mom. I love you.

Thank you

Thank you to all the women who I have listed. I had moments in writing this, I could not see through the tears of gratefulness I have for each of you. The characteristics you lived out daily has impacted my daily life. Because of you I have learned the following:

  • How to love the same regardless of DNA
  • How to carry myself with grace and class
  • That children need discipline and need to suffer consequences
  • The Power of grit and positivity
  • You can be an independent, career oriented woman and a great mom
  • The importance of selfless sacrifice for my family and giving them my time
  • With Christ, I can overcome the darkest valley. Even if the whole world has given up on me, Jesus never will!

I’m sorry for making you all cry. I love you all more than I could ever express. Thank you for being who exactly God made you to be. I love you!

Happy (belated) Mother’s Day to every mother reading.

Love you friends


4 thoughts on “The Women Who Made Me The Mom I Am Today”

  1. Erica,
    Very nicely done. You are very Blessed and talented with a grateful heart.
    Happy Mother’s Day to you.

      1. To Erika my first grandchild never knew a love like this until
        I become a grandma.. I thank God every day for giving me such great grandkids..Such great memories..Happy Mothers Day to a great mommy

  2. Very well said. It takes a village of women to raise a well rounded, loving, strong God loving child to a well adjusted grown up. Your village did an amazing job. Happy Mother’s Day Sweet Lady ❤

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