The Journey- Homeless but not Hopeless

We were officially homeless. Travis would always say, “We are not homeless.” He always got super defensive when I would jokingly say that. Technically, we were not. We did own a home but we agreed to let the sellers have time to move out. Nevertheless, in my opinion, because we were living with my uncle, we were homeless.

The Current Situation

So, we let the buyers of our home move in early. We agreed to let the sellers of the home we were buying have a 2 week period to move out. With that being said, we would be homeless for about a month. Did I mention how graciously nice people we are 🙂

My uncle, who is a bachelor, agreed to let us crash his pad. We were extremely grateful to him for allowing this. As a matter of fact, I will forever be thankful for him for opening his home up to us.

I packed up our bare essentials. The four of us each had a Rubbermaid tote with our bare necessities in them. There was enough clothing for about one full week. I packed a couple pair of shoes per person. If anything else was needed, we were just out of luck.

That First Night

My uncle had a couple spare bedrooms for us to use. One room however, had a bunk bed and a full size mattress in the room. The kids both insisted we sleep in the room with them. My kids do not do well with the unfamiliar so for that reason, we agreed to share a room with them for the month.

As we all went to bed that first night, I will never forget the thoughts going through my mind.

“I miss my home. I think we may have made a really huge mistake.” Which those thoughts led to thoughts like, “It’s only a month. This isn’t so bad.”

While I was having those thoughts I hear Sophie begin to cry. I said, “What is wrong honey?”

A big burst of emotion let out a “I want to go HOME,” which followed with continual crying.

At that same time, I thought what sounded like Isaac crying too. So I asked, “Isaac, what’s wrong?”

The exact same response (just not as dramatic as Sophie)but nevertheless, “I want to go home” was the common request.

My Heart vs. My Words

I started to cry a long with them. They just stated what I wanted to state. We all felt it. We all were hurting in the same way. We all wanted to go home.

I began my pep talk to them. I wasn’t lying to them but I certainly didn’t fully believe what I was telling them.

I told them,

“I know you want to go home. I want to go home too but this is temporary. We have a new home that we will be in before you know it. It will be better. We will love it. Just be patient”

My Hope

As I said these words, I subconsciously questioned if it were true. I could not tell them for certain it would be better but I had hope it would be. Hope that all of this was not in vain. Hope that this sadness we felt for “home” would soon be a lingering thought. A hope that what was to come was better than we could imagine.

The crazy thing about being a child of God is that, I didn’t know anything for certain, yet I had hope. I could rejoice knowing that despite the uncertainties we faced, Jesus is alive and He is my anchor of hope!

His is our living hope that is worthy of our praise regardless of our circumstances. I could have patience during this trying time because I had seen the hand of God move in this situation. So for that reason, I trusted Him. In addition to that, I knew God had heard my fervent prayers. He had proven that in answering them one by one. I knew that staying persistent and obedient to His will was essential in Him working this whole thing out.

If you are in a place of hopelessness, please come to know my Jesus. Comment below. Message me on any of my social media outlets @theroundfarmhouse. There is hope through Jesus my friend. Don’t go another day without Him!

Love you friends