Let’s Talk About Being a Fixer…


We’ve all got them. We all get weighted down with them. We all find ourselves completely exhausted by them. Work, kids, relationships, family, hobbies, unmet expectations, unrealistic expectations. All of these things weigh a lot.

The longer we try to carry all of it on our own, the more bogged down we become, until we completely lose sight of the joy that is supposed to be in our lives. God doesn’t ask that you carry all of these things by yourself though. He’ll help you carry it because He’s already carrying it. He’s got His hands in all of the mess and joy and the heartbreak and everything in between. Your little legs are running to try to keep up with all of it and I’ll be honest with you, you won’t catch up. You just can’t. Trust me, I’ve tried.

Recently, my family has experienced some upheaval that has left us all floundering, trying to adjust to a new normal. My workplace has experienced some changes that have left us disconnected from each other. These two areas in my life are significant and my fatal flaw is that I can’t stand to see people I care about in turmoil. I want to fix everything, so my people spend the smallest amount of time possible being uncomfortable. I kept putting all of these burdens on myself, until I was slogging through the mud, hardly able to breathe, and I finally broke. I hate to say that I lost my temper because I take pride in the level of restraint I usually have, but I did.

Thankfully I didn’t say anything that could cause my kids pain, but I caused T to have some doubts about our relationship, I’m ashamed to say. I told him that I don’t know how to fix this situation and I’ve reached a state of exhaustion that makes it hard for me to function, but he told me that’s part of the problem. It’s not for me to fix it, and I keep making it worse by trying.


One of my favorite Bible verses is Psalms 46:5- “The Lord is within her; she will not fail.”

I love that, and I feel like it’s permission to take it all on. There’s more to the verse though, “God is within her; she will not be toppled. God will help her when the morning dawns.” (CSB).

Did you catch that?

I had to read it a few times. “God will help her when the morning dawns.”

No matter what translation I look at, it does not say “Krista has to fix all the things.” God is there to help me through. It’s hard to put my pride down and ask for help from Him though.

Another of my favorites is Psalm 121. Check it out because the same thing applies here. “My help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Are you catching the theme here?

None of this is for us to carry alone.

Rest your tired legs, unclench your jaw, and roll your shoulders loose and bring them away from your ears.

• Why does God want to carry it for us?

Because He loves us. He wants us free of our burdens and cares, so we are able to worship Him and do the work He has planned for us. When we’re drowning in our messes and insecurities, we can’t see the joys He has for us.

• How do we lay it down?

I’ve asked this question to a few people and the answers are varied. One person said to pray and let it go. Another said they have to pray and let it go and picture the new role that puts them. For me, it’s hard to let go all the way. It’s like prying my fingers open, one by one and letting Him have it.

*Manual Moment: Once you have taken a breath and rolled your shoulders away from your ears, what is one area that you are trying to fix your life that you need to turn it over to God? Write out a prayer, asking Him to take it out of your hands. Note your physical reaction once you’ve done this. How do you feel?

Krista Eldridge

About the writer: My name is Krista Eldridge and I am a mother of 3, as well as a curriculum developer for a non-profit organization working with human trafficking survivors.  I am also a huge lover of books and spending time outdoors with my family.