For Such A Time As This..

Over the last month or so, I’ve become a make shift preschool teacher. I’m sure a lot of you reading can relate. With that new role, I decided I’d try to have a plan. And by plan, I mean most days we wing it 😉 Nevertheless, we focus on an alphabet letter about every two days or so. With each letter, I try to incorporate a bible story that goes along. My preschooler is also my foster daughter who previous to me had no bible story exposure at all. When it was time for the letter E, I knew the story I would go over. That story is Esther.

My reasoning for her is for one, she is one of my favorite women in the bible. Even more than that, I felt with my daughter’s history, a story of bravery in uncertain times would be a great inspiration to her. Our foster journey, because of covid-19 is completely on hold. I do not know when things will resume or what the outcome of all this is going to be. I knew that this time was an opportunity from God to give this child a foundation in Him that regardless of where she ends up, I prayed she could use this wisdom for the rest of her life.

The Story of Esther

As we talked about her story, her bravery, her strength from God, I also found God speaking to me through this oh so familiar story. (He always does that by the way) I was reminded of a short passage in the book of Esther.

“Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14b

The struggle is REAL

Over the last several weeks, it’s been a real struggle in this household. I’m not going to go into great details but let me tell you, when you parent children with trauma, any changes in their environment cause them to dysregulate in a way you never saw coming. It’s a trying time for sure. It’s a trying time for each and everyone of us in our own personalized way. Nonetheless, regardless of where you find yourself in this time, there is no mistake in why you are here.

Before God laid out the foundation of this world He knew this time would come, at this exact time. He knew who would be here for it. He knew what each of us would be doing.

He is a perfect creator that makes no mistakes, even in the smallest details.

I don’t know what this time looks like for you. Maybe you are:

New to working from home, struggling with lack of socialization

A new homeschooling mom who hasn’t got a clue

A grandma that misses her grandkids

A parent that misses their adult kids

A medical professional risking it all on the frontlines day in and day out

A foster mom who feels her life is chaos and on hold at the same time

Unemployed with bills coming in and no way to pay them

Or just someone going stir crazy

I don’t know where you fit in the mold but I know some of us can relate to more than one.

Be Encouraged

God has you right where He wants you for such a time as this. He placed you right here, at this time for a divine purpose.

As you read over Esther 4:14, I challenge you to insert whatever it is that you have had to become in such a time as this.

“Who knows if perhaps you were made _________ for such a time as this?”

Say this out loud. Speak this to yourself in times you feel the struggle during “such a time as this” is all so consuming. I promise this will encourage you. This will keep you focused on your purpose despite what it may look like in these uncertain times.

Be encouraged. Be brave. And never forget- You my dear were made for such a times as this.

Love you friends