Finding Joy on the Struggle Bus- Your Mind

Comparison and perfectionism were both two of the main front runners in my poll I took regarding what struggles steal your joy. Being someone that has struggled and does struggle with both of these things, I quickly realized that this is an issue of the mind. So we are going to tackle our mind today.

What You Think Matters

Our mind is powerful. We can make ourselves believe just about anything. Travis recently was out of town and as I laid down in bed I continued to hear a noise. As I told you before, I struggle with fear. I had already thought up a scenario and had myself believing someone, aka a serial killer, was outside of our house. Your mind, if you let it, can make you believe anything.

“Set your mind on things above, not of things on the earth.” Colossians 3:2

When our mind is focused on our eternal hope- Jesus, nothing else matters. What we don’t have in comparison to neighbor or if our mascara is the slightest bit smudged and not perfectly applied – It. Does. Not Matter when we are focused on HIM!

Let’s Look at Martha

If you read last week, you will know the scripture in Luke 10:38-42 about Mary and Martha. I am not going to post the entirety of the scripture this time. So read it if you like (I hope you do)

I don’t know about you but my heart can totally relate to Martha in this scenario. Jesus is coming over and I also would have to have my house perfectly in order and the food must be spot on. Does this sound like you too?

Martha was busy trying to make it all perfect for Jesus. Martha, I believe had a gift of serving but as she was utilizing that gift, she was allowing her joy to be stolen because of what?


Not only that, she was distracted by Mary whom she felt should be working just as hard as her in preparing and serving Jesus. Sadly we live in a world of distractions. So here are some things to keep in your mind as life and people distract you.


  1. Your worth is defined by Jesus – “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14
  2. Your confidence is not in yourself and your power. It’s in Jesus and His power. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
  3. God gives wisdom in the struggle. God sees wisdom far more valuable than any earthly reward. (If you compare what you have to what others have) ” Tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character.” Romans 5:3 AND “Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding. For wisdom is more profitable than silver and her wages are better than gold.” Proverbs 3:13-14

There is JOY in the struggle because what you are gaining from the struggle God sees far more richer than any earthly desire! This goes back to our scripture in Colossians 3:2.

Your Spiritual Gift

We, as believers, all have spiritual gifts that God specifically gave to each of us. Some are similar but each are uniquely designed and necessary for the body of Christ. What I’ve realized is once you tap into that gift, you have a joy so much so that you no longer care about what another person is doing. No need to compare because your gift is YOURS!

“God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” 1 Peter 4:10

Another great place to read about spiritual gifts is in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.

Do you know what your spiritual gift is?

If the answer is yes, I pray you are actively utilizing your gifts for the body. If you are, you probably do not struggle with this topic. I pray that is the case for you.

If the answer is no, I pray God reveals to you what your gift/gifts are. Some times it is what you are good at. He will use those small things for His glory. You don’t have to be a preacher or a teacher to be a huge impact for the kingdom. No, every small piece in the body of Christ is necessary for it to operate effectively.

Jesus- Others- Yourself (JOY)

Jesus first. Utilize your gift to serve others. Then, if you have any time left, worry about yourself. This simple acronym is how your joy can be found.

Finding Joy

Here are some tips that I shared with my bible study and with the first blog regarding what I do to help me sustain my joy. This weeks list is pertaining to your mind.

  1. Start each morning with thanksgiving to the Lord. I like to get up before the rest of my family, start with prayer asking God to allow me to understand His word. Then, I take time to read His word.
  2. Incorporate a “Renewal of the Mind” (Romans 12:2) each morning. Thanking the Lord and having a grateful heart is a big part of this.
  3. When you struggle, refer to Colossians 3:2 to refocus
  4. Pray about ways you can serve others by using your spiritual gifts; incorporate that into your daily walk as well as random acts of kindness
  5. Listen to praise and worship music. Worship Him
  6. Evaluate your distractions. Are there things in your daily life (social media, movies, tv shows, or people) that are causing you to compare? If so, maybe those things need to be removed from your life, i.e. unfollow them : )

Next week we will finish up this series and tackle “Finding Joy on the Struggle Bus- People.”

Love you friends