There Was No Coincidence About That Day

Today marks one year since she came through the front door of the round farmhouse. Her story, our journey with her, and just her, being who God made her to be, has changed me in more ways than one. This year, God has used this sweet baby to show me that there is no such thing as a coincidence.

Our journey has many “coincidences” that led us to this very day. I will share each and every one of those “by chances” as I continue to write about “the journey.”

However, today, I want to tell you about that day exactly one year ago.

February 28, 2018

It was any normal day. I was working. We were still unpacking because we had just moved into our new home on February 12th.

Around noon, I got a call from my worker that said,

“We have a 16 month old baby girl, coming from (she named the county). She is coming from another foster home. That is all I know.”

I asked some questions. She didn’t know the answers so, nevertheless, I said, “YES.”

Change in Plans

About 10 minutes later, she called back and said “They found another home with another agency.”

I was a little bummed. However, I had learned my lesson on this already and I only wanted the child God wanted me to have. (you’ll read about this soon) So, I left work early that day and I decided to hit up a few shops before getting my kids from school.

After shopping, I started to head to my kids school and my phone started to ring. This was about three hours after being told the baby had been sent to another home so that thought never crossed my mind. Surprisingly, when I looked at my phone, the number showed as the county the worker told me the baby was coming from. Still, I thought, “Oh, I’m sure it’s a scammer.”

A “Coincidental” Change in Plans

When I answered the phone a lady said,

“I’m calling to tell you about the baby you are getting.”

My response was, “Uh, I was told she went to another home but no worries…….tell away.”

She proceeded with, “I’m not sure the confusion but she is not sixteen months old, she is four months old. Is that okay?”

Me: “Oh wow, even better!” (ya’ll know I love me some babies)

She told me all about her and all the sad details of her case. About an hour later, this showed up to our home as if a stork had brought her and dropped her off.

Huge “coincidence,” right?

February 28, 2018- The day you came to us.

The Woman At The Well

If you read John 4, you will read an encounter between Jesus and a Samaritan woman at a well.

Verse six says:

“Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, He sat thus on the well.” (KJV)

Verse seven continues with:

“There cometh a woman from Samaria to draw water. Jesus saith unto her, Give me a drink” (KJV)

There is so much about this story that is powerful but what I love the most is that it was no coincidence that Jesus sat at that exact well, at that exact time.

You want to know why?

Jesus had the power to speak water into existence right then and there. That well was not a necessity to Him. He could have easily spoken a sofa or better yet a bed into existence right then and there if He wanted to get some rest. He could have changed any of those circumstances but He didn’t. He wanted that encounter to take place.

He meticulously and purposefully came to that well, knowing she would be there. It was no coincidence and because of that encounter, her life was forever changed.

Coincidence? I Think Not…

God has used this baby to show me that He is not a god of coincidence. He is a God of perfect timing and intervention regardless of the circumstances. What happened a year ago today was no coincidence. It was not by chance that we got her after being told she went to another home. I will never know what happened behind the scenes that got her to us but knowing what I know now, God had been orchestrating her arrival to us before she took her first breath.

February 28, 2019

My life and my families life was forever changed that day, not by coincidence. My baby’s life was forever changed that day, not by coincidence. The woman at the well’s life was forever changed that day, not by coincidence.

Different circumstances that were each forever changed by the divine providence of God.

Love you friends