My Baby Girl is Fading

Today is a Saturday. My goal today was to clean out my kids’ closets. I had recently watched “Tidying Up” so my Marie Kondo game is strong. I started with my daughter Sophia’s room. As I sat on her floor, categorizing piles of clothes as she handed them to me, I could not help but stare at her. I sat there, staring and grieving at the fact that my baby is girl fading.

It is not that this just randomly hit me. This is something I have been recognizing for months now. Her body is changing. The things she cares about is changing. The things she doesn’t care as much about is changing. Her need for me is slowly becoming less as she gains more independence. Maybe I’ve been in denial with those facts but today, it really came into perspective.

You may say, “She will always be your baby.” Yes, this is true. I do believe that with all of my kids. They will always be “my babies.” However, I’m going into this season for the first time. I grieve losing her as a baby even though she is growing in a way God has designed. Nevertheless, I am also here in the stands watching and cheering her on as she goes.

Gaining Independence

She has always been my child that needs reassurance. She has always needed me to make sure her outfit is “okay.” Always, needing my approval for every little detail. However, I slowly see this drift. Her independence is growing. I am thankful for that but it does pull this momma’s heart a little knowing that her need for me is not as great as it once was.

As I look at this sweet girl, I cannot help but see God’s love for me through her. Every moment of her life, up to this point has been a guide to get us to today. How we have raised her. What we have instilled in her from a very early start is a foundation that I trust the Lord will take heed of to utilize her for His Glory.

Today allowed me to reflect back on what I was like in the fifth grade. What I felt I needed from my mom at that age. The emotions I felt. I realized that yes, we have set a solid foundation but I need to start intentionally preparing her for this next season she is approaching.

The Preparation for the Next Season

Very soon, her friends are going to become more of a priority to her than I am. I need to start now by specifically teaching her what God’s word says about being a good friend.

We have lost this in our society. So many “mean girls ” but the buck can stop here with us fellow mommas!

What The Bible Says….

  • Love your friends (Proverb 17:17)
  • Be Brave and speak up for what is right like Esther (read the book of Esther)
  • Speak life and build your friends up not tear them down (Ephesians 4:29)
  • Don’t talk badly about your friends (gossip) (Proverbs 11:13)
  • Be like Ruth and be a girl with great character (read the book of Ruth)

Tween Girl Mommas

Even though our girls are gaining independence, they need us more now than ever. They need to know that though we may not be making every decision for them that we are, right there, in the stands cheering them on if they need us. They need us to empathize with them as they transition into a phase of womanhood. Their young bodies don’t quite fully understand what is happening. May we reflect back on a time when we were their age. Think of what you needed or longed for in that season. Be that for your girl!

I encourage you to prepare her now for the season ahead. Our girls are our future and they need fellow friends established in the truths of God’s word.

Let’s encourage and pray for each other as we all head into this new season of life.

Love you friends

3 thoughts on “My Baby Girl is Fading”

  1. I love this blog! I love what you wrote today! My favorite, so far! I just wish it had been longer. So much wisdom in this. Your children will rise up and call you blessed! As I raise my granddaughter, I pray that I instill these values and truths better than I did before. Please pray for me as I enter into this season of preparation for her starting to school , that I will prepare her as God would have me to. You also will be in my prayers as well. You continue to make me more proud with each entry of your blog! Love you baby girl!

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