Killing Perfectionism One Truth at a Time

I believe perfectionism is killing our society (amongst other things). We’re living in an era where, if you don’t have make-up on, you can utilize a filter making yourself look red carpet ready without any work on your part. If lighting is poor in a picture, adjusting the filter will enhance how the picture looks. Cropping out fat rolls and double chins is even available if you’d like.

Perfectionism was birthed inside of me at a very young age. As a result, unwanted anxiety developed. Whether it was my appearance, my home, my success, my kids, or anything in between, the need for perfection was always looming over me.

I’m currently in perfection reformation. My transformational journey has led me to God’s truths about perfectionism. Living these truths has given me unwavering joy when lies of perfectionism scream the loudest.

1. Stop Caring Who Cares

What I was wearing.

Who I was wearing.

Make-up perfectly applied or not.

Hair in place or not.

If I was a size 2.

How I looked in a bathing suit.

The list goes on…..

Who Cares.

This is the first that had to go!

The only image worth being concerned over is my image in the sight of the Lord. If a Christian, which I pray you are, God sees us perfect through the blood of Jesus.

“And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight.” Colossians 1:22 NKJV

2. Giving Grace

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” 2 Corinthians 12:9

If God willingly hands out grace, then I should too.

Perfectionism creates a withholding of grace to myself, especially when I’d fall below the standard of perfection I developed in my mind. Grace has given me freedom over perfectionism. I no longer reprimand myself it’s not “perfect.” I’ve learned there’s joy in the flaws and peace with the mishaps.

3. Lightening Up

Most perfectionists are uptight, am I right?

For me, it was my fear factor. Situations I couldn’t control only illuminated my anxiety.

Perfectionism is all about control.

Therefore, perfectionists find difficulty when they lose control.

“Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28

But there’s hope!

We can rest in perfect peace. And as a bonus, it’s free. We only need to ask. Life is short. Lightening up is possible when we give our load of control to the One who’s in control.

4. Don’t Stress the Small Stuff

Martha in Luke 10:40-42 was a perfectionist if I do say so myself. Martha stressed while Jesus was at her house for dinner.

Her sister Mary, however, was sitting at the feet of Jesus taking in His every word. While Martha was trying to create a perfect dinner, she distastefully exclaims, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore, tell her to help me.”

Jesus’ response: “Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

See, Martha was missing the point. She was worried and sweating the small stuff.

Jesus redirected her focus in such a loving way. He reminded her of the distractions that were taking her mind away from the Good thing in front of her.

Perfectionism has been a struggle with women since creation. Beginning in the garden when Eve, deceived by the enemy, was promised god-like wisdom if she ate the forbidden fruit. She failed to realize, only He is perfect. The trajectory of our flesh changed that day and perfectionism was birthed. But no matter how hard we strive towards perfection this side of heaven, we will be left with unwanted anger, frustration, depression, and anxiety.

Although I can declare reformation, I still have moments of temptation. When temptations begin to rear their ugly heads, I remind myself of these truths:

Perfectionism is a joy stealer.

Perfectionism is a self-image distorter.

Perfectionism lowers my self-esteem.

Perfectionism is an unnecessary load to bear.

Perfectionism takes me away from the One who longs to be with me.

And when this longing for perfection creeps in, I shift my stance and fill up on the Perfect One!

Love you friends


1 thought on “Killing Perfectionism One Truth at a Time”

  1. “ I’m currently in perfection reformation.” Love it! I’ll remember that when I lose sight of the only thing that matters- obedience to Jesus Christ.

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